For a work in progress, I find this song rather amazingly put together. The guitar rifts are amazingly good, which makes the whole song. The clock chimes give the song a haunted feeling but makes the song even better. I donno, I'm still desiding about the drums, they're in time, but they sound tacky and like an old drum package from eight years ago (no offence). I can't wait for the full version of course, but this is good for a start. Even though the drums are a bit tacky, they still clash well with the guitar rifts and the beat (which kind of makes the drums on a plus side I guess). Well, great piece and I hope the origininal one will sound 100% better.
(P.S. if it's not to hard or anything, I would like to see Guitar Vs. Piano 2 to be remixed, I think that's your best piece and it would be awesome to hear it in better quality then ever! Thanks!)